Having a diverse workplace helps provide value, incorporates new perspectives, and demonstrates our company’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Kim Pupillo of Mack Trucks points out that when it comes to the trucking industry, the career options are many. She encourages young women and diverse populations to explore all the industry has to offer.

The MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers DEI Awards will be presented on Nov. 1 at AAPEX, applications due Aug. 31.

MOTOR is pleased to recognize the 2023 recipients and celebrate their continued growth in the industry.

Stellantis named Best of the Decade for supplier diversity and marks 40th anniversary of its commitment to supplier diversity development.

Investing in America agenda invests in R&D to lower costs of consumer battery recycling that will support a strong domestic critical materials supply chain.

Incorporating the tenants of inclusion and acceptance in our personal lives and within our workspaces helps to make us stronger, more successful.

They are all strong managers who have been identified as ready for franchise ownership within the next one to three years.

Sue Asu Sole has spent the last two decades working on the marketing and sales sides of the automotive industry. She shares her thoughts on the industry and hopes for the future.

Learn about what makes MOTOR a great place for women in the industry to work and vote today.