Gain the information you need to assess current industry dynamics and analyze the degree to which economic forecasts match what’s really taking place, July 25.

The automatic emergency braking technology can enhance the effectiveness of commercial motor vehicle crash reduction strategies and reduce roadway fatalities.

Initiative will improve road safety for mobile mechanics and roadside assistance providers servicing commercial vehicles across the nation.

EV commercial fleet users providing community benefits and meeting EnergIIZE equity criteria are encouraged to apply.

State investments are helping schools buy zero-emission school buses and needed charging infrastructure with grants of up to $495,000 per bus for vehicle and infrastructure costs.

Research shows the number of new near-zero emission diesel trucks on the road increased 10.2% between 2021 and 2022.

Demand is softening while production sustains in 2023, slowing into 2024, whereupon both rebound in the build-up to the GHG-3 pre-buy wave.

API has a program in place to protect the purchaser and end consumers when receiving or purchasing engine oil in bulk.

The purpose of this solicitation is to demonstrate innovative charging technologies and/or business models that highlight the unique needs of MD/HD vehicles and fleets.

With increased inventory and decreased prices, Cox Automotive forecasts EV sales to surpass 1 million units for the first time in 2023.