Research shows the number of new near-zero emission diesel trucks on the road increased 10.2% between 2021 and 2022.

Demand is softening while production sustains in 2023, slowing into 2024, whereupon both rebound in the build-up to the GHG-3 pre-buy wave.

New report on ADAS examines the impact of different numbers and types of edge-case events on drivers’ understanding of Adaptive Cruise Control.

Attendees will get four days of insightful content from industry thought leaders that dig deep into the topics that are most relevant to the industry and companies.

Report also includes a look at public charging and the availability of critical minerals and battery components.

The MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers DEI Awards will be presented on Nov. 1 at AAPEX, applications due Aug. 31.

In this webinar, the major challenges facing the automotive industry will be explored, from design to sourcing and reducing the environmental impact from production.

New technique gives designers added capabilities by incorporating engineering constraints into generative AI models.

The EPA’s announcement establishes disappointing future volumes for the Renewable Fuel Standard, well below all expectations.

Vote for MOTOR TruTech in the 2023 PTEN People’s Choice Awards.