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Addressing The Skills Gap For Automotive Technicians

More automotive technicians are needed in the United States

Why? Baby boomers are retiring at a faster rate than the number of younger workers pursuing automotive jobs, and even more jobs are being created as vehicles evolve with technology. This has created a significant skills gap for jobs that require technical training. Trade education, however, creates qualified workers who have a greater chance of success when they start work as a technician. Employers who provide access to repair data and tools are part of maintaining that education as technology evolves and changes.

MOTOR’s latest white paper, Addressing the Skills Gap for Automotive Technicians, explores the factors contributing to the significant shortage of automotive technicians as well as the barriers and opportunities in training the next generation, including what technology-driven tools are driving the future of training and education.

What steps need to be taken moving forward, and how can MOTOR help?


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